what is this?

a place to give thanx. an opportunity to acknowledge how truly rich we are in this life. an invitation - to myself and to all of you bloggers/readers - to balance out life's energies. a reminder of all the joys of life, love, nature, humanity and the universe.

seeing so much pain, suffering, loss, illness and death has taught me the value of joy, satisfaction, health and life. so much swirls about us all that desperately needs fixing. that downright sucks. but so much swirls around us that radiates light, love, sweetness, joy, purity.

if we only open our eyes to these tiniest shards and shreds of existence, we expand our possibilities. and challenge ourselves in the process. sometimes its serious and deep, and sometimes, silly and inconsequential. but its all about le joie de vivre!

and that's what this blog exist to do. to generate positive energy and light. to erode that complacency that breeds apathy. its all so friable, lets treasure every little thing that brings joy! i don't pretend to have the market cornered on grace, so if you have something you wanna contribute here, email me and i will make you a contributor to joie de vivre.

Sunday, September 17, 2006

our aussie friends!

originally uploaded by chazomatic

because they are so
strange and unusual,
and they are really good at it!
we love our aussie friends
for their strangeness and
they charm us with
that adorable accent!


Anonymous said...

this is very very good, I will come here daily...

effing betablogger.

you know who it is, it's me...infini

velvet acid tongue said...

hey ... thanx ... it feels good to celebrate the stuff of life. even if its silly, or strange.

Anonymous said...

came by again... like the ducklings too.

gotta go to school now...
